Devices/ORBBEC5 ORBBEC-FemtoMega-AzureKinect ORBBEC-AzureKinect은 AzureKinect를 커스텀으로 제작 판매하고 있는 제품이다. Access AKDK Application Software with Femto Mega - ORBBEC - 3D Vision for a 3D World Access AKDK Application Software with Femto Mega - ORBBEC - 3D Vision for a 3D World 1. Overview Orbbec SDK K4A Wrapper is designed and encapsulated based on Orbbec SDK, converting Orbbec SDK to Azure Kinect Sensor SDK interfaces. It mainly implements data .. 2024. 2. 5. ORBBEC-SDK-nuitrack Orbbec Femto 연구 -Microsoft Asure Kinect의 변형한 형태 OrbbecSDK_1.5.7_Windows : 센서관련 SDK nuitrack-sdk : Body Tracking SDK Orbbec SDK다운로드 Orbbec Femto spec nuitrack nuitrack github 2024. 2. 5. Nuitrack for Unity ORBBEC Body Skeleton Reconition SDK Nuitrack 런타임 설치 Unity에서 새 프로젝트 만들기(또는 프로젝트 열기) 프로젝트에 NuitrackSDK.unitypackage 가져오기(메인 메뉴: "Assets/Import Package/Custom Package..." 그리고 "import" 버튼 클릭) 지원되는 센서 연결( ) 메인 메뉴에서 "Nuitrack/Nuitrack 활성화"를 선택합니다. 메인 메뉴에서 "Nuitrack/Play Test Unity Scene"을 선택하거나 프로젝트 탭 "Assets/Nui.. 2023. 4. 6. ASTRA PRO PLUS 제품구매 : Astra Pro Plus DetailsThe Astra Series was designed to further improve on the attributes that set Orbbec 3D cameras apart from existing 3D cameras on the market. Astra 3D cameras provide computer vision that enables dozens of functions such as face recognition, gesture r Drivers OrbbecSDK_1.. 2023. 2. 21. 이전 1 2 다음